LITERATURE: Book Excerpt by Gabriel Woods

Written by Gabriel Woods.

Book Excerpt from The Rising 1916 – A Family Answers the Call for Ireland’s Freedom by author Gabriel Woods.

After dinner, the family said grace then stood up and they all kneeled in front of the large statue of Mary over the mantelpiece. The statue of Our Lady was two-foot tall. The statue was clean and polished. It was so well made, it looked life-like. The eyes of Our Lady were looking to heaven, her hands clasped in prayer. A blue scarf was draped over her white gown. She stood on a pair of horns representing the defeat of the devil. The mantelpiece was clean, not a speck of dirt lay near the statue. Above the statue was a black and white picture of the ‘Sacred Heart’. Jesus looked from the picture out into the room with a benevolent smile. His heart was bleeding. It was on fire and circled with thorns. Paul had no doubt this family was deeply devoted to their religion, just like his family but not to this extent. Religion was alive in this house, it was not just an obligation to live by but in this family, the beliefs and comfort they got from the religion kept them alive.

The family started to pray the ‘Our Father’. The group said the words faster and faster until they began to chant the prayer. Suddenly, Mary stood up and began to moan. Her long, white dress almost seemed to glow. She began to rock forward and back. Her face was expressionless. 

Paul asked Pat “what’s happening? What’s happening to Mary??!!!”

“Mary has visions, she’s gone into a trance and sees the future, God speaks through her, ye see. She does readings for friends and neighbours, usually for free, unless the person decides to give her a present.” 

Pat was in less pain as a result of the painkillers Paul had given him.

“How accurate are the visions?” asked Paul.

Pat stared at Mary as she went deeper into a trance.

“Mary doesn’t get everything right all of the time but mostly her visions of events are right - right enough to save the lives of many living here.”

Mary moaned loudly and her voice climbed to a high pitch. Paul placed his hand over his ears as she began to wail. 

“Dear God, Dublin is on fire! Dublin is on fire!!! Oh Dear God, no!!!"

Mary passed out on the floor. Cushions had been arranged previously as Mary would always collapse in front of the statue at the end of a trance.

Paul made Mary a cup of tea when she woke up some minutes later. They sat on the wooden floor together. Her husband fell asleep again. Mary turned to Paul. She looked vibrant after the vision; there was a healthy pink glow on her cheeks 

“Ok Paul, time to be honest with me. What do you know about all of this?”

Paul felt she was almost looking into him through his eyes and he knew he could only tell the truth.

“I was friends with a man called Patrick Pearse, a great friend. But injustice upset him. He loves Ireland. I heard Patrick wanted to read a ‘proclamation’, he wanted to declare Ireland free and independent and for Irish people to be free.”

Paul paused and drew in a deep breath to calm himself

Mary put her hand on his arm gently.

“I’m listening, Paul. I know this is hard for ye but I need to know. I have family in this room, friends all around me. I want to keep them safe.”

Paul nodded.

To discover more on this book please check out Amazon.  
Image supplied by Author. 


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