CULTURE: Meteora - Monasteries on Rock Pillars

Written by Ben Kesp

The first thing that struck me on sighting the Greek monasteries perched high on the Meteora rock pillars was the sheer height and extremes that the builders of these beautiful monasteries went to. It was pure dedication and devotion to God along with the isolation of the mountain tops that offered a spiritual and mystical sanctuary. 

One of the six remaining monasteries at Meteora
Meteora which means “the middle of the sky” is a formation of massive monolithic pillars which I believe can only be truly enjoyed from the monasteries themselves. On reaching the beautiful buildings resting peacefully on their lofty platforms, the view is impressive beyond words. Casting my eyes over the serene beauty of the Greek landscape spreading out before me, it is easy to understand the attraction for the monks, bringing them one step closer to God. 

The rocks reach a height of 1,200 ft (400m) and where there was once twenty-four Eastern Orthodox monasteries, now sits six, mostly dating from the 14th to 16th centuries. One can only try to imagine the life the monks had living in this isolated, yet beautiful place during those earlier times, their dedication, hard work and devotion, commendable. Today four of the monasteries are inhabited be monks and nuns. Meteora is a popular tourist attraction and well worth a visit with so many places to explore and see - just make sure you have a head for heights! 

View from the monasteries


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