Interview: "Silent Lives" by Susan Newman

Interview with Author Susan Newman by Ben Kesp 

Thank you Susan, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to have a chat. Firstly, big congratulations on the publication of your first book “Silent Lives”. It is indeed a great achievement. For readers interested in knowing more about the author behind “Silent Lives”, who is Susan? 

I am a retired teacher of English, living in Limerick, and I have grasped the opportunity to devote a huge chunk of my time to writing. It is a thoroughly enjoyable, frustrating and, at times, bewildering experience. 

What can readers expect from “Silent Lives”? 

Well, hopefully a fast-moving read, an insight into the past as it’s set in the late 1960s, characters who come alive and an element of humour. 

Is there any particular message you wish readers to take from the story? 

I’m not big into messages. Primarily, I want the reader to enjoy the book. 

Where did the idea for the Inspector Morecamb character originate from? 

I guess he’s an amalgam of different characters. 

If “Silent Lives” were to be made into a movie, who would like to see playing the main characters? 

I don’t even have to think about that! Ryan Gosling. And if he’s busy……..still Ryan Gosling! 

Tell me about the journey of the book and what did you find the biggest challenge from planning right through to publishing? 

I started writing the book about two years ago. When I was finished the first draft I left it for a while and then came back to it and started to edit. Then, very tentatively, I gave the manuscript to friends and asked for feedback. Some of it was quite constructive….warts and all. I find this is the best kind as it forces you to reassess and see things from a reader’s perspective. Good reviews are nice and encouraging but the more robust are infinitely more valuable. Approaches to Agents and Publishers yielded no response, well, refusals actually, so I decided to explore the area of self-publishing. With this in mind I enrolled for a class in e-publishing, run by Ben Kesp, and I haven’t looked back. 

What have you taken personally from this experience? 

Self-belief. The courage to ‘just-do-it’. 

When did your love for writing begin? 

From a very early age. As a child I entered a writing competition and won a Selection box of chocolates. Thus began my love of chocolates and writing! 

Having now completed your first book, what advice would you give other writers who are thinking of publishing a book? 

Get as much feedback as you can from family, friends, acquaintances who will pull no punches and can then be crossed off the Christmas card list. Then edit, edit, edit. And, if the traditional route to publishing doesn’t work out, don’t be disheartened. Self-publishing is an honourable route and the end result is the same. People will read, and hopefully enjoy, your work. 

Where can readers find “Silent Lives”? 

‘Silent Lives’ is available on Amazon, both as an e-book and paperback. 

What is next for Susan? 

I have just finished the first draft of my second book so now I’m getting into the hard grind of editing. 

Thank you Susan for taking the time out to chat. I wish you the very best with the new book and I hope Ryan Gosling is free for the movie!  I am looking forward to seeing your next publication! Best of luck with it. 

Read "Silent Lives" from Amazon by clicking the following link:

A crime detective novel, set in Ireland, which exposes the narrow mind-set of a rural village in the late 1960s. Two young women are murdered and the convoluted route to the resolution of the crime is stymied by a social hierarchy, which sees itself as the sole arbiter of morality and restitution. Inspector Morecamb and his team from the Serious Crime Squad are tasked with bringing the perpetrator to justice but must also navigate and challenge the entrenched status quo whilst trying to unravel the minutiae of the women's lives.

Author Susan Newman


  1. looking forward to reading it Susan well done to you


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