Mexico - In the Spotlight!

Written by L&CC Team 

For this post, Mexico and some of its related posts are in the spotlight. Enjoy the insightful reads. For a full list of all articles on Mexico please refer to the link at the end of this post. 

A Magical Town in Mexico – Orizaba 
By MikeH 

A historically amazing city stands halfway between Mexico City and the port of Veracruz, combining the most beautiful European architecture and natural attractions of the Mexican landscapes. Orizaba, a city rich in historical heritage, is located at one of the first Spanish settlements of 16th century Mexico.

I feel so proud that my home city has become a Mexican treasure, something I never considered when I last lived there many years ago. In my opinion, many of its attractions had never been highlighted giving the impression nothing stood out! This all has changed after the current mayor saw the potential in such a historical place, giving the city a complete makeover and transforming it into the vibrant place it is today. The redevelopment contributed to Orizaba obtaining the title of Magical Town - an incentive program from the Mexican government aiming at improving the quality of selected national destinations to enhance the local economy 

Los Reyes Magos – 3 Wise Men 
By MikeH 

Baby Jesus in a cake, letters in shoes or in helium balloons, attending parades, drinking “atole” and eating “tamale”… This is just an appetizer on what you can discover in my post about how “Los Reyes Magos” is celebrated in Mexico. I will begin my post with a brief description of the origins of this festivity then explore its main elements from my perspective as a child growing in Mexico. 

“Los Reyes Magos de Oriente", "Los Tres Reyes Magos" or simply "Los Reyes Magos (Three Wise Men) is celebrated on January 6th in most Spanish-speaking countries. According to Mexican tradition, Los Santos Reyes bring presents to children. In modern Mexico this festivity still remains an important date as it 

Teotihuacan Pyramids: Mexico's Magnificent Jewel 
By Ben Kesp 

How many times have you seen the images of the Teotihuacan pyramids in magazines, on TV documentaries or online, but being there in person, standing by these magnificent structures, one certainly cannot compare. Teotihuacan is an ancient city in the Mesoamerican region, located in Mexico State, to the northeast of the city of Mexico. 

The pyramid of the sun (biggest) and the pyramid of the moon are the two main pyramids found along the avenue of the dead. The structures are massive, however personally my visit reminded me of my experience when visiting the Parthenon in Greece. It has become too overwhelming with visitors flocking to the site. Lines of people climb up the sides of the pyramids, stopping on the top for 


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